I talked to Sam on the phone today to see how Thor was doing since his incident of eating his cone. This is what she said:

"He's doing well.  I think he's starting to get frustrated with being locked up in his kennel all the time so he can't run around/play.  He was being kind'ove aggressive this morning and he was nipping at me and growling and boxing at me.  The sedative just don't seem to be keeping him sedated anymore.  I need to call the vet and see if I can get him a higher dosage.  I went and bought him the inflatable collar that you recommended after he chewed up the last one.  It seems to be working really well, but I can tell he is still annoyed with it.  Only 3 more days and it should be able to come off!"

Can you believe how fast his incision is healing?!
1/27/2011 11:09:02 am

Everybody is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.


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